Why Bother Unpacking My Social Conditioning Around Periods and My Menstrual Cycle?

Well, there are a f*** load of reasons, but let’s start here:

Most women and womb holders are walking around unknowingly carrying sh*t loads of period and sexual shame that was, you guessed it, cast upon us by patriarchy and capitalism. We are all so conditioned to hustle and grind even when we are in the most, low energy phases of our cycle when our cognitive and physical capacity is at its lowest. When cyclically we should be resting, rejuvenating and analysing the month that has just been. A pausing and reflect moment, so to speak. Addressing this outdated paradigm is the core of my teachings. My mission and the Blood Slut Movement have always been about empowering women and womb holders to enter a life of sexual and cycle liberation. A life where we can take a day off work when we need it without feeling the slightest ounce of guilt. A life where when you meet up with your pals you all ask each other, “What day are you on?” “How are you feeling?” What’s alive for you?”- and it’s just the norm.

My mission is to empower you to have a life where your menstrual cycle is at the core of everything you do, every decision you make. It’s always considered, ‘cause you know if it isn’t then shit might hit the fan.

That is, you might not have the energy for that festival you bought a ticket for months ago cause you didn’t consider you’d be premenstrual AF and wanna cave it up at home. You end up dragging yourself to the festi anyway cause your favourite bands playing but you just end up sitting around unable to dance or socialise cause you’re so damn tired and have zero talking capacity, then you start drinking cause you need an energy boost and next thing you know you wake up the next day premenstrual AF with a mad hangover, that sets you back days. Bruh, being hungover when you’re premenstrual is not a vibe, it’s literal death…


Maybe you plan a holiday with your pals and totally forgot to look at your cycle calendar… And when the week comes around you realise you’re gonna be bleeding for literally the entire trip. And you’re not the social type when you bleed…more like little cave gremlin type, and you’re thinking “fuck, fuck, fuck. how the fuck am I gonna go scuba diving and whale watching and clubbing for 7 days straight?!”


Maybe you plan a hot, kinky date with your BDSM play partner and completely forgot you’re gonna be ovulating and you use FAM (fertility awareness method) and the whole point of the sesh was satisfying your breeding kink (AKA no condom cum inside you)…but you don’t actually wanna breed… Okay that example was a tad specific ;) But you get my point… I hope hehe.


Maybe you completely forget to track your cycle in your app ‘cause you don’t consider that a priority and then you lose track of when your next period will start (how people live like this I will never understand - the actual anxiety of not knowing when your period is coming). Then next thing you know you’re presenting at a meeting in front of 10 cishet men in suits and you feel a thick, juicy dumper of a clot climb it’s way out of your vaginal opening and flop onto your tiny lil g-banger that you’re wearing under a WHITE pair of suit pants.


Maybe you forgot you’re literally a crazy, social slut when you’re follicular (pre-ovulatory) but you didn’t pre-organise any social plans and now all your mates are busy and you literally don’t know what to do with yourself.


Maybe you didn’t track when your last period was and then one day your next bleed just rocks up ‘out of nowhere’ and you have not prepared at all. You have no frozen meals in the freezer ready to eat, you’re already behind on housework , your partner is away on a work trip, you didn’t organise for someone to baby sit the kids AND you have a project due for work, so now you’re stuck dealing with all of that on your bleed. This leads you to be even more exhausted, but you keep not prioritising cycle tracking and this keeps happening on repeat cycle after cycle until you end up hella depressed and burnt out cause you literally have nothing left in the tank.

These examples of non-cyclical living are not to shame you. They are to show you the IMPORTANCE of living in sync with your menstrual cycle AKA CYCLICAL LIVING. If we keep putting off learning about our body’s cyclical nature and our own unique cyclical patterns…we are gonna get stuck in perpetual doom cycles that ultimately lead to burnout, mental illness and poor health.

If you want to learnt how to tune into your cycle, listen to your womb and form an unbreakable bond with your menstrual blood - my online course Blood Magik is your new safe space to unravel, unwind and heal. Inside the cosy cave that is Blood Magik, you will learn how to use blood rituals to connect deeply with your cyclical body.

Blood Magik does not facilitate superficial level healing, it takes you deep into you ancestry and into your own soul. It’s for the rebellious souls who seek a life outside the social and conventional norms. It’s time to reclaim your power.


I Hated My Labia


Lionsgate portal 8/8/23